Verband deutschsprachiger Berufsgenealogen e.V.


A list of our present members is given on this page.

You can get in touch with the members on this page directly. However, if you are not certain who is the most suitable specialist for you, you can also contact us using our enquiry form and we will then connect you with an expert on your particular research interests.

At present, our Executive Board consists of the following members:

Would you also like to become a member of our association? Then the relevant information and application forms are available here.

The association’s current members are:

Andrea Bentschneider

Cornelia Carstens

Yvonne Hausheer

Edgar Hubrich

Karin Jauch

Baerbel K. Johnson

Dr. Fritz Jüngling

Dipl. -Bibl. Jens Th. Kaufmann

Dr. Josef Mählmann

Dipl. Ing. Agr. Michael Mautner

Dr. Thomas Pöhlmann

Stefan Rückling

Kons. Thomas G. E. E. Scheuringer, zPM

Sabine Schleichert

Dkfm. Markus Schönherr

Karl-Heinz Steinbruch, M. A.

Andreas Stephan

Lars Thiele, M. A.

Carsten H. O. Tüngler

Bernhard Ullrich

Dr. Thomas Wagner

Markus Weidenbach

Friedrich R. Wollmershäuser, M. A.